Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Three cheers to da lion cubs!!!!! awesome awesome stuff yesterday...damn u wish u were there watching it one on one live...I just love da way sri lankans party...its all-out-there-head-on-JAM for them... Bandanas, face paint, whistles and of course the grand Sri Lankan flag...even the tiny tuk tuks were overflowing with dozens of arms waving Sri Lankan flags...the car horns tooting to the papara rythem and the bicycles tilling to the beat... it was one crazy-hollar fiasco out there. The old gentlemen, drunk n doing the occasional tummy rub and the little battas trying to stay awake so that they can catch a glimpse of Malinga ayya's hair...and those tiny tots who gave up and lolled drowsily while everything around them blew out in one big smash!!! amazing amazing AMAZING... that's what life oughta be.....good kotthu...good friends...u leave your qualms and the balderdash behind and you let your hair down...the clean way of course...and you laugh and cheer your blues away!!! I love this country…

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